martes, 9 de abril de 2013

The prisioners' diaries

This is a compilation of 22 Palestinian prisoners' experiences in Israeli jails . 1,027 prisoners were released in 2011 as part of the exchange with Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and 22 of them were interviewed by journalists. These accounts were translated into English at the Centre for Political and Development Studies (CPDS) in Gaza, and edited. The diaries are now being finalised for publication.

Publicación que recoge la experiencia de 22 prisioneros palestinos en cárceles israelíes.
En 2011, 1027 prisioneros palestinos fueron liberados como intercambio por el soldado israelí Gilad Shalit; 22 de ellos fueron entrevistados por periodistas. Sus entrevistas se tradujeron al inglés y se editaron en el Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo y Política de Gaza. Esta es la publicación finalizada:

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


Movement. A human right.

"The challenge of finding a 42k stretch

Everyone has the right to freedom of movement, but not everyone has the option. Restriction on movement is one of the major challenges for the Palestinian people living under occupation. They cannot travel freely on roads, or go from one city to another. Where they can go depends on their ID, whether they have a permit, which city they belong to, or who they are married to. They do not have a state, and their lands are controlled by a foreign army – that army controls their movement with roadblocks, checkpoints, military zones, an illegal wall and a complex set of discriminatory laws. The EU and the US talks about a two-state solution, an independent Palestine – but we cannot find the 42 KMs needed for a marathon. Not only 42 KMs of an area, which are supposed to be an independent state are controlled by the Palestinian themselves. This is why we do it."